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David Eisenman

David Eisenman


  • Community Partnered Research
  • Community Resilience
  • Disaster and Emergency Preparedness
  • Climate Change
  • Evaluation
  • Heat Waves

Areas of Interest

Community resilience; disasters; climate change

Committee Participation

2013-2014 Committee Member, Hospital Preparedness Program of Los Angeles County 

2013-2014 International Steering Committee Member, 2014 International Revisions of Hyogo Framework for Action Priority Five--Disaster Medical and Public Health Management

2013 External Review Committee Member, Oregon Sea Grant Program

2014 External Review Committee, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Public Health Services and Systems Research Program Grants

2015-present Steering Committee, U.S. Green Building Council-Los Angeles Chapter, Building Resilience LA

2015 External Review Committee, National Science Foundation Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences

2015-present Committee Member, National Health Security Preparedness Index, Model Design and Analytic Methodology Workgroup

2015 Los Angeles Ad Hoc Committee, Lancet Commission on Health and Climate

2015 Department of Community Health Sciences Ad Hoc Faculty Appointment Committee

2015-present Chair, Social and Economic Standing Committee, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Community Resilience Planning Guide for Buildings and Infrastructure Systems

2016 Planning Committee Member, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, “Workshop Exploring the Use of Health Approaches in Community-Level Strategies to Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization”

2017 Chair, Planning Committee, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, “Translating the Results of Hurricane Sandy Research Grants into Policy and Operations: A Workshop”

2017 Scientific Review Committee Member, National Science Foundation, Science, Technology and Society Program

2018 Member, Committee on Evidence-Based Practices for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine

Selected Publications 

Research Papers Peer Reviewed

1. Hendler J, Molloy T, Eisenman D, Cohen, M. “A 36 Year Old Man with Diabetes Mellitus and Intraventricular Conduction Defect: A Case History,” Primary Cardiology, 5:33-39, 1988.

2. Eisenman D, McKegney F. “Delirium at Therapeutic Concentrations of Digoxin and Quinidine: A Case Report,” Psychosomatics, 35 (1):91-93, 1994. PMID: 8134536

3. Keller A, Saul J, Eisenman D. “Caring for Survivors of Torture in an Urban Municipal Hospital,” Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 21 (2):20-29, 1998. PMID: 10181462

4. Eisenman D, Bergner S, Cohen I. “The Ideal Victim: Idealizing Torture Victims Causes Secondary Traumatic Stress in Human Rights Workers,” Human Rights Review, 4 (1):106-114, 2000.

5. Eisenman D, Keller A, Kim G. “Survivors of Torture in a General Medical Setting: How Often Have Patients Been Tortured, and How Often Is It Missed?” Western Journal of Medicine, 172 (5):301-304, 2000. PMID: 10832420

6. Brune M, Hassen C, Krausz M, Yagdiran O, Bustos E, Eisenman D. “Belief System as Coping Factors for Traumatized Refugees: A Pilot Study,” Eur Psychiatry, 17 (8): 451-458, 2002. PMID:12504261

7. Eisenman D, Cunningham W, Zierler S, Shapiro M. “The Effect of Violence on Utilization of Services and Access to Care in Persons with HIV,” Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2 (18):125-127, 2003. PMID: 12542587

8. Eisenman D, Gelberg L, Liu H, Shapiro M. “Mental Health and Health Related Quality of Life among Adult Latino Primary Care Patients Living in the United States with Previous Exposure to Political Violence,” JAMA, 290 (5) :627-634, 2003. PMID: 12902366

9. Eisenman D, Wold C, Setodji C, Hickey S, Lee B, Stein B, Long A. “Will Public Health’s Response to Terrorism be Fair? Racial/Ethnic Variations in Perceived Fairness during a Bioterrorist Event,” Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, 2(3):1-11, 2004. PMID: 15588052

10. Stein B, Tanielian T, Eisenman D, Keyser D, Burnam A, Pincus A. “Emotional and Behavioral Consequences of Bioterrorism: Planning a Public Health Response,” Milbank Quarterly. 82(3):413-455, 2004. PMID: 15330972

11. Eisenman D, Tanielian T, Stein B, Pincus H. “Terrorism and Primary Care Providers: Psychological Effects and Their Implications for Policy and Research,” Journal of General Internal Medicine, 20(8):772-776, 2005. PMID: 16050892

12. Bogart L, Collins R, Cunningham W, Beckman R, Golinelli D, Eisenman D, Bird C. “The Association of Partner Abuse with Risky Sexual Behaviors among Women and Men with HIV/AIDS,” AIDS and Behavior, 9(3):323-33, 2005. PMID: 16091853

13. Eisenman D, Wold C, Fielding J, Long A, Setodji C, Hickey S, Gelberg L. “Differences in Individual-Level Terrorism Preparedness in Los Angeles County,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 30(6):1-6, 2006. PMID: 16414417

14. Eisenman D, Weine S, Green B, de Jong J, Rayburn N, Ventevogel P, Keller A, Agani, F. “The ISTSS/RAND Guidelines on Mental Health Training of Primary Care Providers for Trauma Exposed Populations in Conflict-Affected Countries,” Journal of Traumatic Stress, 19(1):5-17, 2006. PMID:16568460

15. Eisenman D, Cordasco K, Asch S, Golden J, Glik D. “Disaster Planning and Risk Communication with Vulnerable Communities: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina,” American Journal of Public Health, 97: S1: 109-S115, 2007. PMID: 17413069

16. Cordasco K, Eisenman D, Glik D, Golden J, Asch S. “They Blew the Levee: Distrust of Governmental Authorities Among Hurricane Katrina Evacuees,” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 18 (2): 277-282, 2007. PMID: 17483557

17. Meredith L, Eisenman D, Rhodes H, Ryan G, Long A. “Trust Influences Response to Public Health Messages during a Bioterrorist Event,” Journal of Health Communications, 12(3):217-32, 2007. PMID: 17497377

18. Eisenman D, Bogart L, Bird C, Collins R, Golinelli D, Fremont A, Beckman R, Cunningham W. “Differential Diffusion of New HIV Technologies by Gender: HAART as an Exemplar,” AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 21(6): 390-399. 2007. PMID: 17594248

19. Eisenman D, Meredith LS, Rhodes H, Green BL, Kaltman S, Cassells A, Tobin JN. “PTSD in Latino Patients: Illness Beliefs, Treatment Preferences, and Implications for Care,” Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23(9): 1386-92, 2008. PMID: 18587619

20. Eisenman D, Glik D, Ong M, Zhou Q, Tseng C, Long A, Fielding J, Asch S. “Terrorism-Related Fear and Avoidance Behavior in a Multi-Ethnic Urban Population,” American Journal of Public Health, 99(1): 168-174, 2009. PMID: 19008521

21. Eisenman D, Richardson E, Sumner L, Ahmed S, Liu H, Valentine J, Rodriguez M. “Intimate Partner Violence and Community Service Needs among Pregnant and Post-partum Latina Women,” Violence and Victims, 24(1): 111-121, 2009. PMID:19433999

22. Eisenman D, Zhou Q, Ong M, Asch S, Glik D, Long A, “Variations in Disaster Preparedness by Mental Health, Perceived General Health, and Disability Status” Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 3(1): 33-41, 2009. PMID: 19293742

23. Eisenman D, Glik D, Maranon R, Gonzalez L, Asch S. “Developing a Disaster Preparedness Campaign Targeting Low-Income Latino Immigrants: Focus Group Results from Project PREP,” Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved, 20 (2):330-345, 2009. PMID: 19395833

24. Meredith L, Eisenman D, Green B, Basurto R, Cassells A, Tobin J. “System Factors Affect the Recognition and Management of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder by Primary Care Clinicians,” Medical Care, 47 (6): 686-694, 2009. PMID: 19433999

25. Eisenman D, Glik D., Gonzalez L., Maranon R., Zhou Q., Tseng C. Asch S., “Improving Latino Disaster Preparedness Using Social Networks,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 37(6): 512-517, 2009. PMID: 19944917

26. Meredith L.S., Zazzali J.L., Shields S., Eisenman D. Alsabagh H., “Psychological Effects of Patient Surge in Large-Scale Emergencies: A Quality Improvement Tool for Hospital and Clinic Capacity Planning and Response,” Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 25(2): 107-114, 2010. PMID: 20467987

27. Rodriguez M, Valentine J, Ahmed S, Eisenman D, Sumner L, Liu H. “Intimate Partner Violence and Maternal Depression During the Perinatal Period: A Longitudinal Investigation of Latinas,” Violence Against Women 16(5):543-559, 2010. PMID: 20388930

28. Meredith LM, Eisenman D, Tanielian T, Taylor S, Basurto R, Zazzali J. “Prioritizing Psychological Consequences for Disaster Preparedness and Response: A Framework for Addressing the Emotional, Behavioral, and Cognitive Effects of Patient Surge in Large-Scale Disasters,” Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 5(1): 73-80, 2011. PMID: 21402830

29. Crosson J, Straus S, Wu S, Eisenman D, Bell B. “Meaningful Use of Electronic Prescribing in Five Exemplar Primary Care Practices,” Annals of Family Medicine. 9(5):392-7. 2011. PMID: 21911757

30. Sumner, LA, Ahmed, S, Eisenman D, Valentine, J, Hui, H, Zhang, M, Wyatt, G, Myers, H & Rodriquez, M. “The Influence of Depressive Symptoms and Psychosocial Factors in Early Pregnancy on Perceived Emotional Well-being and Health Status at One-Year Postpartum in a Community Sample of Low-Income Latinas,” Mater Child Health J. 15(7):1046-54, 2011. PMID: 20652383

31. Baldwin SB, Eisenman D, Sayles JL, Ryan G, Chuang KS. “Identification of Human Trafficking Victims in Health Care Settings,” Health and Human Rights: An International Journal. 13(1). 2011. PMID: 22772961

32. Carameli K., Eisenman D, d’Angona B., Drury A., Glik D. “Planning for Chronic Disease Medications in Disasters: Perspectives from Patients, Physicians, Pharmacists, and Insurers” Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness (7)3: 257-265, 2013 PMID 23103395

33. Eisenman D, Williams M, Glik D, Long A, Plough A, Ong M. “The Public Health Disaster Trust Scale: Validation of a Brief Measure,” Journal of Public Health Management & Practice. 18(4):11-18, 2012. PMID: 22635199

34. Stajura M, Glik D, Eisenman D, Prelip M, Martel A, Sammartinova J. “Perspectives of Community- and Faith-Based Organizations about Partnering with Local Health Departments for Disasters,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 9(7):2293-311, 2012. PMID: 22851942

35. Sammartinova J, Glik D, Prelip M, Martel A, Eisenman D. “The Long and Winding Road: Finding Disaster Preparedness Coordinators at a National Sample of Local Public Health Departments,” Public Health Reports. 128(5): 364-366, 2013. PMID: 23997282

36. Plough A, Fielding JE, Chandra A, Williams M, Eisenman D, Wells KB, Law G, Fogleman S, Magaña A. “Building Community Disaster Resilience: Perspectives From a Large Urban County Department of Public Health,” American Journal of Public Health. 103(7):1190-97, 2013. PMID:23678937

37. Wells KB, Tang J, Lizaola E, Jones F., Brown A., Stayton A. Williams M., Chandra A. Eisenman D., Fogleman S, Plough A, “Applying Community Engagement to Disaster Planning: Developing the Vision and Design for the Los Angeles County Community Disaster Resilience Initiative” American Journal of Public Health. 103(7):1172-80, 2013. PMID: 23678916

38. Glik, D., Eisenman DP, Zhou Q., Tseng C., Asch S., “Using the Precaution Adoption Process Model to Describe a Disaster Preparedness Intervention Among Low Income Latinos,” Health Education and Behavior. 29(2):272-283, 2014. PMID: 24399266

39. Meredith L., Eisenman DP., Green BL., Kaltman S., Wong EC., Cassells A., Tobin JN. Design of the Violence and Stress Assessment (ViStA) Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Care Management for PTSD Among Predominantly Latino Patients in Safety Net Health Centers“ Contemporary Clinical Trials 38(2): 163-172, 2014. PMID:24747932

40. Eisenman D., Bazzano A., Koniak-Griffin D., Lewis MA, Tseng C., Lamb K., Lehrer D. “Peer-Mentored Preparedness (PM-Prep): A New Disaster Preparedness Program for Adults with Developmental Disabilities” Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 52(1): 49-59, 2014. PMID:24635691

41. Glik D., Eisenman D., Donatello I., Afifi A., Martel A., Stajura M., Prelip M., Sammartinova J. “Reliability and Validity of the Assessment for Disaster Engagement with Partners Tool (ADEPT) for Local Health Departments” Public Health Reports 129(4): 77-87, 2014. PMID: 25355978

42. Eisenman D., Chandra A., Fogleman S., Magana A., Hendricks A., Wells K., Williams M., Tang J., Plough A. “The Los Angeles County Community Disaster Resilience Project—A Community-Level, Public Health Initiative to Build Community Disaster Resilience” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 204(11): 8475-8490, 2014. PMID: 25153472

43. Baldwin S., Fehrenbacher AE, Eisenman D “Psychological Coercion in Human Trafficking: an Application of Albert Biderman’s Framework” Qualitative Health Research, 11(4): 1-11, 2014. PMID: 25371382

44. Sammartinova J., Donatello I., Eisenman D., Glik D., Prelip M. Martel A., Stajura M. “Local Health Departments’ Satisfaction with Community Engagement for Emergency Preparedness” American Journal of Bioterrorism, Biosecurity and Biodefense, 1(1):6-12, 2014.

45. Chi G., Williams M., Chandra A., Plough A., Eisenman D. “Partnerships for Community Resilience: Perspectives from the Los Angeles County Community Disaster Resilience Project” Public Health, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2015.07.004(link is external)

46. Eisenman D., McCaffrey, S., Donatello O., Grant M., “An Ecosystems and Vulnerable Populations Perspective on Mental Health After a Wildfire” Ecohealth. 12(4):602-610, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-015-1052-1(link is external). PMID: 26302957

47. Chandra A, Williams M, Lopez C, Tang J, Eisenman D, Magana, A. “Developing a Tabletop Exercise to Test Community Resilience: Lessons from the Los Angeles County Community Disaster Resilience Project” Disaster Medicine and Public Health Reports 9(5): 484-488, 2015. DOI: is external)

48. Adams, RM, Rivard H, Eisenman DP, “Who Participates in Building Disaster Resilient Communities: A Cluster-Analytic Approach” Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 2016 Feb 23 (Epub ahead of print). PMID: 26910869

49. Vaughan CA, Miles JNV, Eisenman DP, Meredith LS. “Longitudinal Associations among Pain, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, and Stress Appraisals” Journal of Traumatic Stress 2016 Feb 24 (Epub ahead of print).

50. Meredith L., Eisenman DP, Han B, Green BL., Kaltman S., Wong EC., Sorbero M, Vaughan C, Cassells A., Zatzick D, Diaz C, Hickey S, Kurz J, Tobin J “Impact of the Violence and Stress Assessment (ViSTA) Program to Improve PTSD Management in Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial“ JGIM: Journal of General Internal Medicine 31(5):509-517, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s11606-016-3588-3(link is external)

51. Rodriguez MA., Brooks R., Mendoza A, Eisenman D, Dubois AM, von Ehrenstein O. “Operationalization of social cohesion interventions in Latin America” The Lancet Global Health (4), April 2016 . DOI: is external)

52. Grinshteyn E, Eisenman D, Cunningham WE, Andersen R, Ettner S. “Individual and Neighborhood Level Determinants of Fear and Violent Crime among Adolescents” Family and Community Health 39(2): 103-112, 2016. doi: 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000095(link is external)

53. Fraser A, Chester M, Eisenman D, Hondula D, Pincetl S, English P, Bondank E. "Household Accessibility to Heat Refuges: Residential Air Conditioning, Public Cooled Space, and Walkability." Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, July, 2016. DOI: 10.1177/0265813516657342(link is external)

54. Cha BS, Lawrence RI Bliss JC, Wells KB, Chandra A, Eisenman DP, “The Road to Resilience: Insights on Training Community Coalitions in the Los Angeles County Community Disaster Resilience Project” Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness Dec;10(6):812-821, 2016. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2016.46(link is external)

55. Weine S, Eisenman DP, Glik D, Kinsler J, Polutnik C. “Addressing Violent Extremism as Public Health Policy and Practice” Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 9:3, 208-221, 2017; DOI: 10.1080/19434472.2016.1198413. is external)

56. Eisenman DP, Wilhalme H, Tseng C, Chester M, English P, Fraser A, Pincetl S, Vangala S, Dhaliwal S. “Heat Death Associations with the Built Environment, Social Vulnerability and their Interactions with Rising Temperature" Health and Place 41 (Sept):89-99, 2016 DOI: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2016.08.007(link is external)

57. Pincetl S, Chester M, Eisenman DP, “Urban Heat Stress in the U.S. Southwest: The Role of Sociotechnical Systems” Sustainability 8(9):842-855, 2016; doi:10.3390/su8090842(link is external)

58. Nahlik M, Chester M, Pincetl S, Eisenman D, Sivaraman D, English P. “Building Thermal Performance, Extreme Heat, and Climate Change” Journal of Infrastructure Systems November 2016. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000349(link is external)

59. Eisenman DP, Adams RM, Rivard H, “Measuring Outcomes in a Community Resilience Program: A New Metric for Evaluating Results at the Household Level” PLoS Currents: Disaster 2016 doi: 10.1371/currents.dis.15b2d3cbce4e248309082ba1e67b95e1(link is external).

60. Grinshteyn E, Eisenman DP, Cunningham WE, Andersen R, Ettner S. “Individual- and Neighborhood-Level Determinants of Fear of Violent Crime Among Adolescents” Family and Community Health, 39(2):103-12, 2017 PMID: 26882413 doi: 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000095(link is external).

61. Adams RM, Glik D, Prelip M, Donatello I, Eisenman DP. “Partnering with Community and Faith-Based Organizations for Disaster Preparedness and Response: Results of a National Survey of Public Health Departments” Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 2017, Jul 24:1-10. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2017.36. PMID: 28735594(link is external)

62. Eisenman DP, Flavahan L. “Canaries in the Coal Mine: Interpersonal Violence, Gang Violence and Violent Extremism Through a Public Health Prevention Lens” International Review of Psychiatry 2017, Aug;29(4):341-349. doi: 10.1080/09540261.2017.1343527(link is external). PMID: 28805121

63. Weine S., Eisenman DP, Kinsler J, Polutnik C. “Utilizing Mental Health Professionals to Help Prevent the Next Attacks” International Review of Psychiatry, 2017 Aug;29(4):334-340. doi: 10.1080/09540261.2017.1343533(link is external). PMID: 28805125

64. Wynia M., Eisenman DP. Hanfling D. “Public health professionals and countering violent extremism: context and caution” American Journal of Public Health, 2017 Aug;107(8):1244-1246. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.303907(link is external). PMID: 28700304

65. Grinshteyn E, Cunningham WE, Eisenman DP, Andersen R, Ettner S. “Fear of Violent Crime and Anxiety/Depression among Adolescents” Mental Health & Prevention 2017 Apr-Jun;39(2):103-12. doi: 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000095(link is external). PMID: 26882413

66. Bromley E, Eisenman DP, MaganaA, Williams M, Kim B, McCreary M, Chandra A, Wells K. “How Do Communities Use a Participatory Public Health Approach to Build Resilience? The Los Angeles County Community Disaster Resilience Project” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017 Oct 21;14(10). pii: E1267. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14101267(link is external). PMID: 29065491

67. Acosta J, Burgette L, Chandra A, Eisenman DP, Gonzalez I, Varda D, Xenakis L. “Why Do Community and Public Health Partnerships Matter During Disaster Recovery?” Disaster Medicine and Public Health Practice 2017 (in press)

68. Adams RM., Karlin B., Eisenman DP., Blakely J., Glik D. “Who Participates in the Great ShakeOut? Why Audience Segmentation Is the Future of Disaster Preparedness Campaigns”
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017, Nov 17;14(11). pii: E1407. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14111407.PMID: 29149064(link is external)

69. Riley K., Wilhalme H., Delp L., Eisenman DP. “Mortality and morbidity during extreme heat events and prevalence of outdoor work: An analysis of community- level data from Los Angeles County, California” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 2018

Chapters Peer Reviewed

1. Eisenman D. “Genocide.” In: Lester Breslow, ed., Encyclopedia of Public Health, Macmillan Reference, New York, 2002.

2. Eisenman D. “Screening Immigrants and Refugees for Mental Health Problems and a History of Torture in Ambulatory Care Settings.” In: Patricia Walker, Elisabeth Barnett, eds., Immigrant Medicine : A Comprehensive Reference for the Care of Refugees and Immigrants, Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2007.

3. Ekblad S, Kastrup M, Eisenman D. “Interpersonal Violence Towards Women: An Overview and Clinical Directions.” In: Patricia Walker, Elisabeth Barnett, eds., Immigrant Medicine : A Comprehensive Reference for the Care of Refugees and Immigrants, Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2007.

4. Wenzel T, Kastrup M, Eisenman D. “Torture Survivors: A Hidden Population.” In: Patricia Walker, Elisabeth Barnett, eds., Immigrant Medicine : A Comprehensive Reference for the Care of Refugees and Immigrants, Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2007.

5. Jaranson J, Ekblad S, Kroupin G, Eisenman D. “Introduction to Mental Health of Immigrants.” In: Patricia Walker, Elisabeth Barnett, eds., Immigrant Medicine : A Comprehensive Reference for the Care of Refugees and Immigrants, Elsevier, Philadelphia, 2007.

6. Eisenman D., Chandra A., Fogleman S., Magana A., Hendricks A., Wells K., Williams M., Tang J., Plough A. “The Los Angeles County Community Disaster Resilience Project—A Community-Level, Public Health Initiative to Build Community Disaster Resilience” reprinted in Kimberly Etingoff, ed., Ecological Resilience: Response to Climate Change and Disasters, Apple Academic Press, Ontario, Canada 2016.

7. Petkova EP, Celovsky AS, Tsai WY, Eisenman D. “Mental Health Impacts of Droughts: Lessons for the U.S. from Australia”, In: Walter Leal Filho, Jesse M. Keenan, eds., Climate Change Adaptation in America: Experiences, Case Studies and Best Practices”, Springer, 2016 (in press).

8. Eisenman DP, Weine S, Lashley M. “Can Public Health Help Prevent Violent Extremism? Should Public Health Help Prevent Violent Extremism?”, McGill Queens University Press (in press)

Rand Papers and Reports Peer Reviewed

1. Tanielian T, Stein B, Eisenman D, Olmstead S, Pincus HA. Understanding and Preparing for the Psychological Consequences of Bioterrorism. RAND Issue Paper. DRR No: DDR-2919-RC.

2. Chow BG, Jones GS, Eisenman D, Latourette T. Bio-Defense Concepts of Operations for the Air Force to Administer Prophylaxes and Medical Treatments. United States Airforce RAND Issue Paper DRR-3530-AF. Dec 2004.

3. Meredith, L. S., Eisenman, D, Tanielian, T., Taylor, S. L., and Basurto, R. Preparing Hospitals and Clinics for the Psychological Consequences of a Terrorist Incident or Other Public Health Emergency and Preparing Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Staff to Respond to Hospitals and Clinics Following Large-Scale Emergencies. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, TR-493-HS, 2007.

4. Eisenman, D, Green D, Zhou Q, Leslie T, Bell D. Regional Electronic Prescribing Initiatives in the United States—An Environmental Scan. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, WR-731-AHRQ, 2009.

5. Bell D, Straus S, Green D, Wallis K, Sagara L, Eisenman D, Crosson J, Wu S, Leuschner K. A Toolset of E-Prescribing Implementation. RAND Corporation, DRR-4988, 2010.

6. Ebener, Patricia A., Sarah B. Hunter, Rachel M. Adams, David Eisenman, Joie D. Acosta, and Matthew Chinman, Getting To Outcomes® Guide for Community Emergency Preparedness, Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation, TL-259-CDC, 2017.

Research Reports and Briefs

1. Keller A, Eisenman D, Saul J, Connell J, Holtz T. “Striking Hard: Torture in Tibet,” Boston Physicians for Human Rights, 1997.

2. Glik D., Carameli K., d’Angona B., Drury A., Eisenman D. “Prescription Drugs and Disaster Planning” Prepared for Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Emergency Preparedness and Response Program, August 2007.

3. Eisenman D, Ong M, Glik D, Zhou Q, Asch S. “The Public Health Response to Emergent Threats Survey (PHRETS): A Report Focusing On Vulnerable Populations in Los Angeles County”, Prepared for Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, November 2007.

4. Crosson JC, Wu S, Belson D, Reynolds KA, Patel MH, Etz RS, Straus SG, Eisenman D, Marsh T, Bell DS. Building Implementation Toolsets for E-Prescribing: Final Report. (Prepared by RAND Corporation under Contract No. HHSA 290-2006-00017I, TO #4). AHRQ Publication No. 12-0015-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. December 2011.

5. Eisenman DP, Carameli K., “Analysis of the Public Health Response to Emergent Threats Survey (PHRETS II)”, Prepared for Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Program, August 2011.

6. Eisenman D, Glik D, Maranon R, Blevins J, Kinsler J, Shapiro-Rodriguez S. “ROAD-MAP Pilot Community Resiliency Intervention Final Report” Prepared for Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Program, August 2011.

7. Crosson JC, Strauss SG, Wu S, Belson D, Reynolds KA, Patel MH, Etz RS, Eisenman, DP, Bell DS. “Building Implementation Toolsets for E-Prescribing: Final Assessment Report”, Prepared for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Service, September 2011.

8. Kalkstein, LS Sheridan SC., Kalkstein AJ., Vanos JK, Eisenman DP. “The Impact of Oppressive Weather On Mortality Across Demographic Groups in Los Angeles County and the Potential Impact of Climate Change”, Prepared for Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, June 2014.

9. Kalkstein, LS Kalkstein AJ., Vanos JK, Eisenman DP. “The Impact of Winter Extreme Heat On Mortality in Los Angeles County”, Prepared for Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, June 2015.

10. Perry SC., Blanpied, M.L., Burkett, E.R., et al., “Get Your Science Used—Six Guidelines to Improve Your Products” United States Geological Survey, Circular 14019. 2016. is external)

11. Weine S, Eisenman D. “How Public Health Can Improve Initiatives to Counter Violent Extremism”, START: National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, April 5, 2016. is external)

12. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2017. Countering violent extremism through public health practice: Proceedings of a workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/24638(link is external).

Other Articles

1. “DNR Orders and Medical Futility,” Letter to the Editor, JAMA. 4:299-300, 1995

2. “U.S. is Creating a New Nightmare for Torture Victims Seeking Asylum,” Op-Ed Section of Philadelphia Inquirer and Associated Press News Service, April 30, 1996.

3. “Sexual Assault: A Critical Health Care Issue,” Correct Care: Publication of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care 17 (4):3, 2003.

4. “Carmageddon is an opportunity for disaster preparedness”, UCLA Newsroom, July 11, 2011.

5. “Resilience, Sustainability and Social Justice”, Arizona State University Global Institute of Sustainability Thought Leader Series, February 17, 2014 is external)

6. “Obsessing about Terrorism is Bad for Your Mental Health”, Zocalo Public Square, January 7, 2016 is external)

Curriculum/Educational Media

1. Eisenman D, Gonzalez L. “PREP – Programma para Responder a Emergencias con Preparacion,” Train-the-trainer curriculum for promotoras de salud to teach disaster preparedness to Latino community. 2007.

2. Eisenman D, “PM-PREP—Peer Mentored PREP”, Train-the-trainer curriculum for health educators to teach disaster preparedness to adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities. 2010.

3. Eisenman D. “Primary Care Clinician PTSD Prescribing Decision Aid”, 2010

4. Eisenman D, Glik D, Maranon R, Blevins J, Rodriguez-Shapiro S. “ROAD-MAP” Train-the-trainer curriculum for lay volunteers to teach disaster preparedness to senior adults. 2011.

5. Eisenman D, Glik D, Rodriguez-Shapiro S, Maranon R. “Be Ready: Preparing Your Medications for a Disaster (Este Listo! Con Sus Medicamentos)”. DVD (English/Spanish) for LACDPH, Directed by Allan Muir. 2011. View at is external)

Media Appearances (Selected)

CBS News, National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered”, New York Times, New York Times Sunday Magazine, Los Angeles Times, History Channel, Telemundo, KTLA Television, U.S. News and World Reports, Voice of America Television, KPCC, KJZZ, KCRW, KPCC, WNYC, Arizona Republic, Associated Press,, KNBC Channel 4, Los Angeles Daily News, Nanowerk, Good Magazine, Yomiuri Shimbun (Japan), Capitol Public Radio, Wealth Magazine, EOS

Public Appearances (Selected)

Keynote Address, “Engaging the Public in Community Resilience: Results from the Los Angeles County Community Disaster Resilience Project”, BOSAI Disaster Conference, Center for Research for Disaster Management, Osaka City University Japan, Irvine CA, February 18, 2018

Disasters in the Time of Global Climate Change and Local Community Resilience: Progress and Challenges,” Global Health Colloquium sponsored by the University of Illinois Chicago College of Medicine, College of Nursing, School of Public Health, College of Applied Health Sciences, College of Pharmacy and College of Dentistry, Chicago, IL, April 3, 2018


1999-2002 Fellowship, National Research Service Awards Primary Care Program, UCLA School of Medicine
1999-2002 M.S.H.S., University of California Los Angeles School of Public Health
1991-1993 Resident, Department of Medicine Montefiore Medical Center
1990-1991 Resident, Department of Psychiatry Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1989-1990 Internship, St. Luke’s Hospital, Internal Medicine Intern
1985-1989 M.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1980-1984 B.A., University of Pennsylvania

Contact Info

Office Location
911 Broxton Plaza Los Angeles, CA 90095-1736